We love to serve coffee to the village who loves to drink it

The Sparky! a White Cake Mocha

Hi my fellow coffee loves!  We had a big big blog post yesterday!  My lovely sister posted some sweet sweet pics of little Emie!  Isn’t she THE CUTEST?!!  Ugh, she certainly has caused a bit of baby fever in my heart. Ok so I have been meaning to start posting more about all of our delishhhh drinks at the shop.  So, I am making it my mission to share a new drink with you every week… a what’s in "My Morning Mug” post if you will.   Who knows, maybe you’ll be brave and try something new?!  … [Read more...]

My Cup Overflown with LOVE

When I imagined being on maternity leave, I pictured my sweet newborn baby quietly sleeping in her crib after I had just easily rocked to sleep leaving me with endless amounts of time to clean out my closets, scrub the house from top to bottom, and even get to organizing the basement that still holds half of my husbands “stuff” from his bachelor years. Boy, was I mistaken! Over the past 6 weeks I have been bombarded with poopy diapers, a sink constantly full of dirty bottles, and baby who … [Read more...]

a wedding, and a coffee shop

    Eeeeek!!  I can’t tell you guys how happy my sister and I, as well as the rest of the LM staff, are for this adorable couple and their beautiful marriage. Last Friday evening on September 20th 2013, our lovely barista Jocelyn had plans to marry her best friend, Justin, in an outdoor ceremony in a park within our little town.  Due to severe thunderstorms in the forecast, plans had to change. Now let me give you a little insight on Jocelyn.  She’s one of people that’s very shy when you … [Read more...]

diy: pottery barn look alike autumn branches

Yay for autumn!! This is by far my most favorite season of the year; I mean come on the gorgeous leaves, the cooler temps, football, sweaters and pumpkin lattés?!! …love love love. With the autumn season here, my glue gun and scissors are busy just about every day with some sort of little “project” to add to either the shop’s décor, or to my home. I’m all about doing things as inexpensive as possible, but as tasteful as possible…so naturally as I flip through the pages of my fall issue of … [Read more...]

friday night lights and coffee pride!

I’m proud to live in a small town.  A place where businesses happily bestow shoe polished windows cheering on our high school team, a place where jerseys on game day are considered dress code, a place where football on Friday nights is as familiar as breathing, and a place where the sound of the victory bell is the sweetest music you’ll ever hear. Even back when my sister and I were dreaming about the idea of opening a coffee shop we knew one thing for certain, our drinks would be … [Read more...]